Drone Acceptance Readiness Tool

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Drone Acceptance Readiness Tool

With this tool we aim to provide answers to questions such as ‘What makes a drone application successful?’, ‘When is your product ready for market launch?’ and ‘What are success factors for commercial deployment of drones?’. Together with the University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences we’ve developed this tool in order to help researchers and developers assess their feasibility plans. Fill in the form below and receive the tool by e-mail. You can start the questionnaire whenever you want!


DART aims to answer questions such as ‘What makes a drone application successful?’, ‘When is your product ready for market launch?’ and ‘What are the next steps you can take to take your drone application to the next level?’. Using DART, you gain insight into your innovative drone technology development phase based on so-called readiness levels for five critical success factors. These factors are Technical, Social, Business, Legal and Ethical.

Together with the University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences, we’ve developed this tool to help researchers and developers assess their feasibility plans.


©foto Eric Brinkhorst


We have developed a questionnaire for each critical success factor. Consequently, DART consists of five questionnaires. You can complete each questionnaire separately. When you open the questionnaire, you will see the sub-themes at the top of your screen.


DART is a comprehensive tool. Depending on the complexity of your product, the whole questionnaire will take around 2,5 hours to complete. Each questionnaire in itself will take half an hour to complete. We strive for the most valuable and accurate outcome of the tool. Therefore, as much information as possible needs to be considered.

Don’t you have that much time? It’s possible to fill in the questionnaires one by one and save your progress in the meantime. Furthermore, you can choose which questionnaire you would like to start. If specific questions are not relevant to you, please fill in ‘not applicable’ or leave it empty.


We used the well-known Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) to accurately measure the readiness levels, which are frequently used in technological research & development. After filling in each questionnaire, the readiness level on a scale of 1 to 5 will appear.

In the end, you will receive a report by email that consists of the determined readiness levels specified by each critical success factor – Technical, Social, Business, Legal and Ethical. With this information, you know whether your product is ready to launch or in which area you still need to make improvements.


Would you like to know more about DART? Or do you have any questions about the outcome? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.



  • Space53
  • Hengelosestraat 500
  • 7521 AN, Enschede


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